The current world situation has brought us many negative things, but the human being is capable of obtaining something positive in any situation. That is why from ESLRR we wanted to make a contribution to the scientific community dedicated to low vision.
Given the impossibility of connecting in person, we have sought ways to enrich, share knowledge, so that our community remains active and grows.
ESLRR has prepared a calendar of talks on various topics of interest. We would like to thank in advance the collaboration of the professionals and researchers who are giving them. The talks are 15-20 min long and can be complemented with some questions from the audience. Access is free and free of charge, through the link that will be provided.
the first talk will be held on September 13, 2021. We are excited about this start that will serve as a bridge until we can meet in person at the next conference. We ask you to participate with the same enthusiasm as we do and spread the information.
We are looking forward to see you again and to hear your opinion about this new activity.
Special thanks to Werner Eisnebarth for his hard work in making this activity possible.
Eslrr board