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Patient and Public Involvement - 1/2 day course
Friday 25th September, Keble College, Parks Road, Oxford.

Introduction – Andi Skilton (Course Chair) – UCL Institute of Ophthalmology/Moorfields BRC


10am to 10.30am -  A perspective on the national Priority Setting Partnership for Sight Loss and Vision to establish the key unanswered questions we should be researching – Dolores Conroy – Fight for Sight

  • Patients and Healthcare Professionals setting research priorities together


10.30am to 11am - PPI introduction from INVOLVE – Maryrose Tarpey – INVOLVE

  • How INVOLVE supports PPE/I in the NHS, public health, and social care research

  • Examples of other European approaches to PPI in research


11am to 11.30am - Approaches to PPI in Ophthalmology Research: Perspectives from the NIHR Moorfields Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) – Andi Skilton

  • Overview of PPI conducted at the NIHR Moorfields BRC


11.30am to 12.15pm – Making involvement work  – Bec Hanley – TwoCan Associates

  • Why is PPI good for your research

  • How can you carry out PPI


12.15pm to 1pm – Lunch


1pm to 1.30pm -  Moorfields Eye Hospital/UCL Institute of Ophthalmology case studies – Jo Cammack – Moorfields BRC,  Saruban Pasu – UCL Institute of Ophthalmology/Moorfields Eye Hospital, patients

  • A focus on the patient perspective


1.30pm to 2pm - Panel Discussion and Q&A session – all speakers



Grant funding agencies throughout Europe are insisting that patients be actively involved in clinical research. It is no longer just a matter of paying "lip service" to patients' views and priorities. Investigators need a genuine plan for involving the benificiaries of the research.


ESLRR in conjunction with the National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Moorfields Eye Hospital, delivered a short course on Patient and Public Involvement (PPI). The course included insights from a local, national, and international perspective and covered subjects such as "What exactly is PPI and what is its purpose", "How do you do PPI", "How is PPI relevant to my research", "Why is PPI an area that can no longer be ignored".


Course instructors included Maryrose Tarpey, Assistant Directore at the INVOLVE Coordinating Centre, Dolores Conroy, Director of Research at Fight for Sight, and Bec Hanley, Co-Director at TwoCan Associates who will cover what PPI actually looks like and how to do it.


The course also looked at case studies from Moorfields BRC/UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and offered the opportunity to ask questions of clinicians, researchers, and patients who have been involved with PPI.

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